On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:13 PM, A.L.E.C <alec@alec.pl> wrote:
Mike Ryan wrote:
> Before I begin, I would like to check if this feature is actually
> desirable to the dev team?

I think this should be implemented as plugin.

Looks like it doesn't even need the plugin for 0.3.1 onwards: http://mattrude.com/projects/roundcube-fail2ban-plugin/#comment-809 . I guess myself and the original submitter should have googled a bit more first.

> I would appreciate comments/suggestions on this approach. Also, I am not
> quite sure of the best way to clear out the expired entries from the
> banned_ips table. Is there some internal RC mechanism for performing
> tasks (in this case, issuing a SQL query to delete old entries) at
> specified intervals?


Thanks for the info.