I apologize if I came out too strong here. I've been looking for a good webmail client for our company for the last two months. We've been suffering through a webhost installed and preconfigured Horde installation that's been doing its best to keep our agents very unhappy.

When I encountered roundcube a couple of days ago, I knew immediately this was the client I wanted to switch our company too. (Which I've done now that I've had a couple days to test it.)

I wanted to setup forums to help this community of developers since there were none in place already(and I know from experience with my own sourceforge project some of the limitations to running a forum installation apart from the built-in one from sourceforge can be). This was particulary motivated by my inability to find any link to discussion list archives.

There is obviously an established development community here as is. I only wish to participate and add to it.

I will still leave the new forums up. Its up to all of you to decide if you want to use them or not. Just take this as what it is. A contribution to this community.


On 10/13/05, Mark Krenz <mark@suso.org> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 05:58:56PM GMT, Geuis Teses [geuis.teses@gmail.com] said the following:
> Mailing lists are a very inefficient means of communicating on an
> open-source project.

  Says you.  That must be why so many successful open source projects
use them for their development team.

Mark S. Krenz
IT Director
Suso Technology Services, Inc.