I havent come across this issue yet.

Off topic:
Anyone done any work with search yet?
Sorry but I just hopeed on the email list train.
On 10/19/05, Patrick Vogt <p.vogt@firestarter.ch> wrote:
Hi everybody!

Heard a lot of good stuff about your project, so I decided to give it a try.
I saw 2 major problems, they don't appear wheter on this mailling list nor
on the Bugtracker at sourceforge. I know it's still in alpha, but as there
are many people out there without these problems, I d'like to know if I am
really the only one having this problem.

Problem 1: Login in with firefox always fails with  a javascript error.

Error: missing ) after condition
Source File: ../js/app.js
Line: 2212, Column: 6
Source Code:
this.request_obj = new NULL

I fixed this one with adding
activeX = window.ActiveXObject;

in the first line of the this.http_request function (around line 2200 in

and then changed
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
to: else if (activeX)
a few lines later

After that, roundcube-login worked well (With IE 6 && FF 1.0.7 )!

But there is a second problem: When I click on a different folder than
Inbox, roundcube always kicks me out with "Session invalid or timeout" (On
IE and FF).

The problem with timeout is maybe server related and not a bug, but the
thing with the javascript error... I can't believe I'm the only one
suffering by this...


VHCS Webmail

Dan Saltman