Just upgraded (from the 0.1alpha) to the trunk version -- ok, it's been a while since I've had any time.
Found the following bug, trying to add a second address to my address book, the address book contains an entry of:
trying to add koblas@example.com
Yeilds a 'contactexists' error, digging into it the problem it looks like: in steps/mail/addcontact.inc $existing = $CONTACTS->search('email', $contact['email'], false); does in include/rcube_contacts.inc $add_where[] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($col)." LIKE ".$this->db->quote(strlen($value)>2 ? "%$value%" : "$
Of course koblas@example.com is a substring (but different address) of yyykoblas@extra.com. Not to mention that in this instance a case-insenstive search might be in order. I think it might be worthwhile to have a specific search for email address in the contacts -- possibly with a normalized column in the DB that facilitates it .