I had some problems when commiting the localization changes to the CVS. Because of that, some files haven't been committed. This should now be corrected.
The whole RoundCube interface is now encoded in UTF-8. This is the only way to display all kind of chars on the same page and to transmit special chars correctly using JavaScript.
The major change was the encoding of all localization files which is now uniquely UTF-8. This also means that old ISO-8859-1 files like German and French have been converted to UTF-8. When composing a message, the default charset is now UTF-8 because the browser will submit all form data as UTF-8 to the server. UTF-8 works fine with all mail readers and there's no reason not to encode all mails like that. Of course you can select another charset when composing a message and RoundCube will convert the text accordingly.
This is all pretty new to RoundCube and there might be some issues I haven't seen yet. Please report those here.
Regards, Thomas
Pierre HAEGELI wrote:
Ok thanx for your help.
Just some isues stil present in the current CVS version ( tested with french):
- When composing new message charset is set to utf-8 by default instead of correct encoding corresponding to the locale (ISO-8859-1)
- Some text on the top right (box empty, messages from 1 to 1, ...) still have bad special characters display.
Thanx a lot for your help.