I will throw my 2 cents into this debate. In my opinion since it is a "web based" email client it should behave like a web site. Users expect to single-click on things on a web site, not double-click. Overall a very nice design, though.

On 10/13/05, Tank <tank@galleywinter.com> wrote:
Which is interesting because you actually don't need to triple click. You can double click straight on a message to open just like most program bases mail clients. The tripple click comes into play when assuming you ar dealing with some other web based email program. Granted that most people say design should follow what people know.. but someone has to lead the charge to change.

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 18:53:45 +0100, Geoffrey McCaleb <geoffrey@tabasco.net> wrote:
> Ahh yes, not a lot of people happy with the confusing triple click when
> opening an email. :)
> Overall, good write-up's from a notoriously cranky audience.
> Geoffrey
> On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 10:20:37 -0500, <wolf@domojo.com > wrote:
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/10/13/1323214&tid=169&tid=8

Bradley Holt <bradley.holt@gmail.com>