

I just gave it a try on one of our test servers also running Debian Sarge, but this time I used dovecot IMAPd. With this set, everything runs smoothly. It solves BOTH issues.

But I guess it is worth investigating why it doesn’t work with Courier IMAP, as Courier is the widest spread IMAPd in use. There are some questions I have:


1)       Does anybody have this release (20051007) up and running with Courier without those two problems mentioned below? If yes, what OS and what Courier version are you using and are you using Maildir-mailbox format?

2)       Any experience with other IMAP servers so far?


I think it is very important to be compatible to all major IMAP servers (Courier, Cyrus, UW and dovecot) although from my point of view _only_ dovecot and Courier should be used in production environment. But I guess that’s just a matter of (good) taste ;-)


P.S.: What I also realized when switching to dovecot is that the performance is far better than with Courier, which is probably because of the index “databases” used by dovecot for every mailbox / Maildir folder. I did not realize _any_ performance difference with caching enabled or disabled. But mailbox holds only 500 messages …


Best regards,




P.S.S.: Did not introduce my self so far … Hi, nice to be here


From: Martin Möllenbeck [mailto:martin@moellenbecks.de]
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:45 PM
To: Robert Landes
Cc: dev@lists.roundcube.net
Subject: Re: Courier IMAP issues




I have the same problem







Am 20.10.2005 um 19:16 schrieb Robert Landes:

What I could investigate so far is that there seems to be some major issues with IMAP handling with Courier IMAP. I already saw some people running into the same problems:

1)    Also on my installation the default special IMAP folders like Sent, Trash, and Junk are not shown as "special" as they should be.


I didn't find time to investigate neither first nor second issue any closer, but I hope I'll find the time beginning of next week.


If somebody has already posted solution or any more detailed description, forget about this one.






Martin Möllenbeck

martin (at) moellenbecks.de
