On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 18:51:40 +0200, Moish moish@mln.co.il wrote:
Eric Stadtherr wrote:
By default, the HTML editor creates paragraph entries (<p> ... </p>)
each line of text that you enter. The default style for a paragraph
displays some space between each paragraph.
S c o t t K r a m e r wrote:
Why does HTML Compose double space lines, while Plain text does not?
TinyMCE uses P tag for Enter, thus working as designed. Use shift+Enter for a single space. Why? Workaround? OT. Search TinyMCE site. Have fun.
-- Moish
ok, also I noticed when creating a *new* message in HTML, the HTML is single spaced lines! not very consistent, and probably frustrating to people
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