
I'm new to this list, so please excuse me if this topic has been discussed to death already, but in a quick search of the list archives, it doesnt appear to have come up recently.


I'm currently starting out with using Drupal as a base for some web site installs and like the way its functionality can be extended with modules to drawn in and embed functionality from other packages such as Gallery2. Apart from http://drupal.org/node/58466 (which seems to have stagnated and in fact no longer works with Drupal6) there doesnt appear to have been much activity in embedding RoundCubeMail functionality within the Drupal framework. Is anyone else currently looking into this, and would I be wasting my time / duplicating effort if I was to attempt something ?


My initial thoughts would be to integrate the authentication, so authenticated users in drupal can click a single link and go straight into their mailbox in webmail (spawning a new tab/window in the short term). Looking at http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Plugin_Hooks I wonder if this could be achieved by using the
authenticate hook rather than by patching the roundcube code like the previous attempt did ?


Longer term, I would like to see embedded functionality like Gallery2 does, so that for example, when viewing a user's mailbox their folder list appears as an expandable menu list within the standard Drupal navigation menu, the message list / message view / compose etc appears in the main page body, and elements such as the "E-Mail", "Address Book" and "Personal Settings" can either be presented in a Drupal 'Block' which could be presented in any of the standard header / left/right sidebar locations etc. Does this all sound sensible / achievable ? Anyone else looking into something similar ?


I am a fairly confident Perl / PHP coder, less so with Javascript and AJAX technologies, though am willing to contribute to this project if I can. If noone else is currently looking into Drupal integration, could anyone suggest a good place for me to start ?


Many thanks,

Rob Coward