I'm one of the moderators. I'm in US eastern timezone and I'm constantly monitoring my email from around 9am to 6pm Mon-Fri and periodically at night and through the weekends. I know I'm not the only moderator for the various mailing lists, but I consider this my "shift". As soon as a new moderation email comes in, I review and approve/discard it ASAP.

What are the schedules the other mailing list moderators are keeping?


On 4/3/06, RoundCube Dev < administrators@lists.roundcube.net> wrote:
The enclosed message was submitted to the mailing list:

       "RoundCube Dev" <dev@lists.roundcube.net>

If you'd like to approve it for distribution to all the subscribers,
please e-mail:


Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button.

To reject the message you don't need to do anything. It will be
deleted from the moderation queue if it is not approved within
30 days.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tony Zielinski" <tony@webavant.com>
To: < dev@lists.roundcube.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 07:50:38 -0700
Subject: Re: Roundcube Forum

I think the link being on this page says a lot about the movement:  http://www.roundcube.net/?p=forum.  Its authenticity cannot be denied as it's listed at the top of the page.  I think in order to gain an idea of the scope of the movement we need to ask a different question: do people intend to continue using the mailing list as actively as before the forums sprung up? 


I've noticed that the mailing list is fully moderated, (please correct me if I'm wrong). Sometimes posts do not show up for a few hours if at all.  I made a post to this list recently that never appeared. I've noticed that some days, there are no posts to the list at all and then a flood of them pours in the next day as the moderator was able to find the time to approve everything. In a forum, while moderated, posts show up immediately and can only be removed as someone with moderation privileges finds the time to check the forums. 


There are obviously heavy pros and cons on both forums and mailing list.  It is nice to be able to direct a mail to the general community and the core developers and expect that those people will at least see the subject line in their email headers.  A post made to a forum could be missed as it cascades down the page for a couple of days.  Intuition can only imply that the mailing list will remain an integral part in the communication of the development community and user base as long as it continues to be hosted.