In another thread I read the following:
From the mail list, click once (single click, don't double click) the first message, hold shift, select the last message (alternatively you could click "Select all" at the bottom of the mail listing). Drag that to the Trash folder, hit delete, or press the delete button (take your pick ;) ).
I've got two questions. First of all, when I hit delete nothing happens (RoundCube CVS checked out May 2; Firefox on Windows). Is this not implemented or is it not supported in all browsers yet? Second question regards the drag-and-drop. It would be nice to have a better indication of which folder you're dropping mail in, e.g. by giving that folder a nice background color.
And while composing this mailing I stumbled on to something else: it is not possible to save a message when composing. Am I missing the save button somewhere or is this not yet implemented?