I am a new devotee to RoundCube mail and from what I see in the beat I am very impressed. I am running on Win2003 server, PHP 5 and use hMailServer as my mail server.


I have a couple of issues which you may be able to help me with (the first is a very minor bug):


In the Personal Settings when setting User preferences the language in the drop down list always defaults to English (US) even when the value in the database is another language. However, it is possible to set the required language.


Secondly, I am unable to view or access attachments. I have sent myself a mail with a text attachment but cannot see how to view or download it. The paperclip icon appears on the item in the inbox. What am I missing?


Thirdly, and possibly related to the above, I have had no issues reading plain text emails but when they are in HTML or Rich Text format (reported as: "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.") I am unable to see the body of the mail. The headers appear and I can view them in the view source but there is no sign of the body. As with the issue above the paperclip appears on the item in the inbox.


Can anyone help.


John R. Woods

Rcube 01b

Php 5.0

Win 2k3


IIS 6.0