Hi guys,

I'm new here. My name's Horváth Balázs alias wodka. I've been workin with websites in the past few years.
I have about 4 years of PHP experience, quite deep sitebuilding knowledge and been using several JS frameworks
for real-life projects.

I'm very much interested in RounCube, the simplicity of the usage (and installing) is marvellous.
BIG THANKS to everyone who ever contributed, this systems is wantaful (as my nigerian friends would say :) )

First is started with localization when I saw that there were some untranslated things in the 'hu' locale.
Then without reading the website carefully (poor me), I created a command line php tool which creates the list of
missing entries in the choose locale. It's attached to this email (locale_compare.zip)
thus now I know it's good for nothing.

Then I did my translation through the RoundCube Translator for the 'hu' locale, it's attached: locale_hu.zip

We use postfix with mysql (php - postfixadmin). Our current webmail is squirrelmail, for which a plugin exists.
With this I can change password, edit mail forwards and auto away messages.
I thought I'd write this plugin for RoundCube, but I can't see any plugins as an example.
I read everything in the Trac and the Wiki, I think I'll start thinking and talking about the plugin system, and when
the concept will be ready I'll implement this first 3 plugins.

My first impression is, that the terms of basically different kinds of plugins of Event triggered plugins ('Online')
and lets say 'Offline' plugins are mixed up. What I call 'Offline' plugin is for example the ones I mentioned before.

These are my first thoughts and contribution.
So,once again HELLOOO to everyone!


Horváth Balázs
fejlesztési vezető

WG Informatika Kft.
H-1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 53. (MOM Park, "D" torony II.em)
Mobil: +36-20-971-2904
E-mail: horvath.balazs.wgi@gmail.com
Web: http://wgi.hu
WG informatika

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