Hello. I have some comments on moving spam to Spam folder buttons feature. I agree that such a feature would be a good addition to the source, so I would suggest expanding your new feature like this:
1) there is should be on/off switch in config file for this feature;
2) there are should be mail folder names to move spam/non-spam to in the config file (not hard coded but customizable);
3) there is should be mail forwarding feature for spam emails. There are might be 2 config variables which contain email address for spam/non-spam messages to be forwarded to for retraining. This forwarder must NOT modify message body and headers. If these config variables are empty so no forwarding would be done only moving email to the folder after pressing corresponding button.

I can explain why I think that 3) note is so critical. It's ok to use retraining scripts for all found e-mails in all mailboxes when you have 10-100 users, but if your user count reaches 100k-1m your server simply will die parsing such amount of data (millions of e-mails). In this case mail forwarding is used for retraining, but current Roundcube implementation doesn't allow taking full advantage of this approach because it's deleting original header from the forwarded e-mail which contain anti-spam signatures. We can store these signatures in the mail body but I'm deadly against disturbing user's correspondence with any additional "junk" not related to the mail content.

This is my opinion how it should look, please fill free to comment and suggest improvements. 

Regards, Andris

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marcelo Salhab Brogliato <msbrogli@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 27, 2007 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [RCD] Patch for new features
To: till <klimpong@gmail.com>

Hello till,

I don't have svn installed in the shell that I'm working on.. but I already
sent an email asking for instalation!
Soon I'll send my first patch :))

About the last feature that I sad:
Let's get a situation: you are on the compose page writing some email.. so
you wan't to see the address book to add more recipients.
When you click Address Book, you "lost" your email (you can save in the
Does you guys have a patch to solve this?

Thanks for your help

On 10/27/07, till <klimpong@gmail.com > wrote:

Hi Salhab,

no problem, but please CC the list, so others learn from this. :)

Basically the best way is the following:

1) Get latest code from SVN (trunk)
2) Migrate all your changes in there, test
3) Create patches using "svn diff > feature.patch"


On 10/27/07, Marcelo Salhab Brogliato <msbrogli@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Till,

that's my first contribution to open source projects... I'm completelly
newbie! :))
How can I create a patch? I have no idea...
I think it isn't just attaching the files that I changed..
Maybe a CHANGELIST? Or a little tutorial with the codes and where they
should be inserted?

What do you mean by "configurable"? The name of the folders are fixed by
now.. but a little
change in the source make it user-defined :)

Thanks for your answer.

On 10/27/07, till <klimpong@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Salhab,

On 10/27/07, Marcelo Salhab Brogliato < msbrogli@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi to everyone,
I'm new to the list and working on RoundCube.. but I changed him a
little to
satisfy my needs.
I implemented 3 features that you can check at:
email: msbrogli2@vialink.com.br
password: 123456

Essentially, it is:
* a checkbox at the left... to make the life of the ones who aren't
familiarized with AJAX (in my case, my customers) easier...
so, they can easily select more than a message..

I thought there were discussions already and I don't think this will
make its way into the source. The reason is - we aim to provide a
desktop-like look and feel.I don't see checkboxes in Outlook, Eudora,
Thunderbird or kMail.

* a droplist to move selected messages between the folders
* 2 buttons called SPAM and NO-SPAM.. they move the message to the
Spam and No-Spam... but why?
because I developed a script to periodically check that folders
spamassassin to work better...

Not a bad idea. Are the folders configurable? (I obviously haven't
check your patch yet, because there was none attached. ;-)).

now I'm working on a preview window in the list page... like
click the message and see the content..
a double click maximize the message...

I think a preview pane is already included.

and my last modification (for now) will be a way to throw the
add emails from contact list..

Not sure I understand.

In general, if you want to provide a patch, make sure to open tickets
on our trac (0) and make sure to provide one patch per issue/feature -

not a giant patch.

sorry about my english... if i'm not clear, please ask!

Thanks for your work! Looking forward to your thoughts!
