El dom, 13-12-2009 a las 19:37 +0100, A.L.E.C escribió:
Leinier Cruz Salfran wrote:
i entered that site but i saw a lot of open tickets (mmmmm)
Actually there's only one. http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1484793
i saw
i made a modification because the old code doesn't process well the result of 'quota' program .. this code make it correct
case 'cmd':
$user = split("@", $RCMAIL->user->get_username());
exec($CONFIG['quota']['program'] ." ".
$CONFIG['quota']['program_parameters'] ." ". $user[0], $result); $field_number = 0; foreach (preg_split('/\s/', trim($result[2])) as $quota_field) { if (strlen($quota_field) > 0) { switch ($field_number) { case 1: $quota['used'] = $quota_field; if (substr($quota['used'], -1) == '*') { $quota['used'] = substr($quota['used'], 0, -1); } break; case 2: $quota['total'] = $quota_field; break; } $field_number++; } } $quota['percent'] = (($quota['used'] * 100) / $quota['total']); break;
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