In light of the recent discussions, I've been browsing through the Trac tickets trying to get a feel for the distribution of bugs (display, database, IMAP interface, etc.). There appear to be quite a few tickets that follow the pattern of "RoundCube exhibits incorrect behavior when displaying an e-mail with <some special characteristics>." These special cases range from message header contents to HTML contents to attachment formats.

Instead of trying to fabricate my own e-mail messages that match these special cases (and possible get it wrong), what does everyone think about standing up a "test case" e-mail account on an IMAP server somewhere that people can send these "special case" messages to? The RC development team could then each access this IMAP server from their own RC installations to troubleshoot the handling of the messages.

We'd have to keep the login credentials relatively secure, and somebody would have to volunteer an IMAP server.

What does everyone think?


Eric Stadtherr