#1 If you choose download directly the translation is not saved on the page. Should it work this way?

labels.inc - missing texts translated, question #2:

an old one:
receiptread      Return Receipt (read)

mdnrequests    Sender notifications

Shouldn't the new one be 'receipt' and 'Return receipt' to keep texts consistent?

messages.inc - missing 1 text updated, $messages['messagesaved'] fixed


Horváth Balázs Balázs Horváth
Fejlesztési vezető Development Manager
WG Informatika Kft. WG Informatics Ltd.

H-1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 53. (MOM Park, "D torony" II.em)
Tel./Fax: +36/1-487-5502
Mobil: +36/20-971-2904
E-mail: horvath.balazs@wgi.hu
Web: http://wgi.hu

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