Hello team,
I spent quite a few hours back in 2006 "scratching my own itch" in the roundcube code. I haven't had much time to work on it since then, but I happen to have some time at the moment to dedicate to the project.
I just submitted a pull request that will make "control-click" and "control-arrow-key" behave more like a native application. One thing that has always bothered my about the roundcube layout is that there's no way to know which message in the list has the "focus" in cases where the focus is separate from the selected message. For instance if you select a message, and then CTRL-click that same message, it will be unselected, but it still has the focus, because if you then click the down arrow it will select the next message.
The css "outline" attribute would work for this, but there are some inconsistencies with where exactly each browser places the outline - and IE (including IE10) does not support the outline-offset attribute at all, which means that the outline doesn't work very well in IE (no surprise).
To see what I mean, you can insert the following style into styles.css:
.records-table tr.focused {
outline:1px dotted black;
outline-offset: -1px;
I'd appreciate any thoughts on the issue!
-Charles McNulty