> Have you watched the process list with top to see what process is actually using the most CPU >time?




We have received the following NimBUS Alerts for server 105455-vmail2.volusion.com:
Average (5 samples) processor queue length is 46.00, which is >= 4. Last value is 27.
Average (5 samples) total cpu is now 82.47%, which is above the warning threshold (75%)

I logged in and found the following
03:40:01 PM 6 330 5.36 10.17 12.43
03:50:01 PM 9 339 5.96 8.74 10.56
04:00:02 PM 2 334 2.35 3.27 6.69
04:10:01 PM 1 375 1.89 2.39 4.58
04:20:01 PM 14 368 6.67 4.11 4.33
04:30:09 PM 166 537 162.87 112.71 56.45
04:40:01 PM 14 351 5.14 19.34 32.29
Average: 26 382 23.36 21.24 16.60
top contents
top - 16:50:11 up 1:42, 3 users, load average: 34.92, 32.85, 33.54
Tasks: 307 total, 34 running, 273 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 97.1% us, 2.7% sy, 0.2% ni, 0.0% id, 0.0% wa, 0.1% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 2074960k total, 2021220k used, 53740k free, 23504k buffers
Swap: 1052248k total, 144k used, 1052104k free, 1290796k cached

3081 apache 25 0 36660 12m 4044 R 13 0.6 1:11.59 httpd
3095 apache 25 0 36692 12m 4388 R 13 0.6 1:10.78 httpd
3897 apache 25 0 36716 12m 4360 R 13 0.6 1:15.59 httpd
3963 apache 25 0 36640 12m 4152 R 13 0.6 1:07.89 httpd
3972 apache 25 0 36708 12m 4060 R 13 0.6 1:11.78 httpd.