I'm looking for a little guidance troubleshooting a caching problem.
I have an old linux box (2 GHz / 512 MB RAM) setup for a client running
postfix, dovecot, and roundcube.
They ran RoundCube 0.2 for a year without reporting any issues.
I recently upgraded them to RoundCube 0.3 (which they love by the way)
and they started reporting this strange issue:
UserA would login, check their mail, read/reply and delete everything in
their inbox.
UserA would stay logged in throughout the day.
At some point, a new message or messages would arrive for UserA.
According to the mail logs, the message(s) would be correctly delivered
into UserA's inbox via Dovecot's deliver app.
UserA would not see the message in RC. UserA would try hitting
send/receive, switch to different folders and then back to the
inbox, and even logging out/logging back in. The message would
still not show up in RC.
At some point, one of two things happens that resolves the issue:
* UserA waits for a while (a few minutes to a few days) and the message
suddenly appears.
* UserA sends a new message to someone (anyone) and after it's sent
the missing message(s) immediately show up in their inbox.
A few things I have checked:
* Not on an NFS filesystem. Mail is stored on a local ext3 partition.
* While UserA is not seeing the new messages, I have verified the messages
actually exist and have the correct permissions on the filesystem.
* cleared the 'cache', 'messages', and 'session' tables in the RC database.
* Mail logs definitely show messages arriving and being delivered even though
I can't see the message in RC.
* If I have both RC and Thunderbird open at the same time, I can see the
message immediately in Thunderbird, but not RC.
Disabling RC's caching via $rcmail_config['enable_caching'] = FALSE;
fixes the problem and prevents it from happening again.
I'm stumped on the next step.
I have no problem leaving caching disabled because none of our users have
more than 100 messages in any one folder and RC is running on the same
machine that dovecot is running on.
But I would like to figure out if this is something I screwed up, or
maybe something in the RC code.
Any pointers on what to check next? (I'm not that familiar with the
RC code, but I can do some PHP hacking/debugging if needed.)
Thanks for everyone's hard work by the way. RoundCube is the best open source
webmail app I have ever used.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
It appears that roundcube is connecting to the local SMTP server over
TLS, even though I explicitly set it to not use SSL or TLS:
// the mail host chosen to perform the log-in
// leave blank to show a textbox at login, give a list of hosts
// to display a pulldown menu or set one host as string.
// To use SSL/TLS connection, enter hostname with prefix ssl:// or tls://
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'localhost';
Postfix logs showing the TLS connection being established, example.com
replacing the innocent domains:
Oct 11 01:20:26 server2 postfix/smtpd[12765]: connect from
Oct 11 01:20:26 server2 postfix/smtpd[12765]: setting up TLS connection
from localhost.localdomain[]
Oct 11 01:20:26 server2 postfix/smtpd[12765]: TLS connection established
from localhost.localdomain[]: TLSv1 with cipher
DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
Oct 11 01:20:26 server2 postfix/smtpd[12765]: 7D1563BD48:
client=localhost.localdomain[], sasl_method=LOGIN,
Oct 11 01:20:26 server2 postfix/cleanup[12769]: 7D1563BD48: warning:
header Subject: asdasddsa from localhost.localdomain[];
from=<russell(a)example.com> to=<rjones(a)example.com> proto=ESMTP
I think it's great and all that it is so ambitious, but I was really
hoping it would do what I told it to do :) What am I missing here?
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
Hi all
Hi list
my linux box is CentOS 5.3
it is properly updated
I use the old old stable version 0.1.1 of roundcubemail , which is contained
in the deposit EPEL
I preferred to continue using the version contained in the official
repositories of CentOS
I configure a user roundcubemail on my mysql server
Here are the commands that I have applied to the server mysql
mysql -u roundcubemail -p
create database roundcubemail;
TO 'roundcubemail'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '*****';
I applied a small patch personal
// application constants
define('RCMAIL_VERSION', '0.1.1');
define('RCMAIL_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
define('JS_OBJECT_NAME', 'rcmail');
// define global vars
$OUTPUT_TYPE = 'html';
$INSTALL_PATH = dirname(__FILE__);
$MAIN_TASKS = array('mail','settings','addressbook','logout');
if (empty($INSTALL_PATH))
//This is the little patch that clears the session cookie
if ( isset($_COOKIE['session']) and !empty($_COOKIE['session'] ))
unset($_COOKIE['session']); //sureté
//This is the little patch that clears the session cookie
my problem is that I see appear the login page I enter all data but I do not
understand why I can not fit into the webmail
thanks for all your feedback
nb : 'Buddha' peace themselve
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
My Mailserver (Debian/postfix/dovecot) use authentication against Active
Directory, but I had installed roundcubemail and
I wonder if it is possible to fill in the fields with the identity data from
Bely Silva Junior
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
I've run into an already reported infinite loop issue with empty inbox and
caching enabled (http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1486181). This ticket was
closed as it had been fixed in the SVN earlier but I couldn't find the
exact revision which fixed it.
I can't upgrade to trunk because the installation will be in production
very soon, but I badly need caching.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
// i can not register on RC forum for already 4 days, the system didn't
send me a validation e-mail :(
if anyone can - pls assist.
Some wishes on Forward_as_attach plugin
1) it will would be great if in Inbox message list there will be a small
icon the message was forwarded (like the one as simple forward icon)
2) subject of new mail is empty then making forw_as_attach. (in
non-webbased clients /i.e.Thunderbird/ subject of new mail is equal to
original message with "Fwd:" prefix)
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
I installed roundcube on my root server. I configured several SMTP identities
for me, e.g. one for gmx.de and one for web.de.
But unfortunaly it is not possible to configure different SMTP-Servers or
smarthosts for the different mailaddresses.
But bocause of SPF I have to send mails from my gmx.de address via the gmx.de
SMTP-Server, while mails via the web.de account must pass the web.de
for details about SPF.
Any hint how this can be done? Maybe a point for the wishlist?
|Michael Renner E-mail: michael.renner(a)gmx.de |
|D-81541 Munich Germany ICQ: #112280325 |
|Germany Don't drink as root! ESC:wq
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
I have a working installation of RC v0.2.2 on my Linux server. I would
love to upgrade to the latest v0.3-stable however I would like to know
how I can perform the upgrade without and loss of data. If I do a
fresh install, I would think that the installer would wipe all my
MySQL database tables and data...which would be bad. Can someone
please explain to me the process of upgrading from my current version
to the latest version on my server? I searched the Wiki and only found
"fresh install" instructions.
Thanks for any help!
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
Hello all
New to RoundCude so I hope I am not asking an age old question.
I have setup filters but none of them are working.
Is there some trick to getting filters to work in roundcube. I am familiar
with filters having used them with other webmail applications.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/