I've noticed that RC made a big leap forward recently. But since we run
on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS servers, we still have the RC version in the repo of
that Ubuntu release. I think it is 0.4...
Is it possible that the latest version will be made available in some
backport repo? Or is this the wrong place to ask?
Egbert Jan, NL
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
I tried to upgrade to the latest version but it did not finish properly.
I received this error
Your configuration files are now up-to-date!
WARNING: Database schema needs to be updated!
Missing columns in table 'contacts': words
Open /home/roundcube/SQL/mysql.update.sql and execute all queries below the comment
the currently installed version number.
MDB2 Error: no such field (-19): _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
[Last executed query: PREPARE
mdb2_statement_mysql_206ebea3942ba0794abf09aeec52fe83c1a87f81d FROM 'UPDATE
contacts SET changed=now(), `vcard`=\'BEGIN:VCARD\\r\\nVERSION:3.0\\r\\nN:
`name`=\'LADA\', `email`=\'export(a)google.com\', `firstname`=\'ladislav\', `surname`=\'
`words`=\' lada export(a)google.com lan Bank\' WHERE contact_id=? AND user_id=? AND
[Native code: 1054]
[Native message: Unknown column 'words' in 'field list']
Can anyone help?
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/