I've got the database_attachments plugin enabled because I have multiple
machines with a memcached session store. It seems to work fairly
well... except that I am replicating the database to a read-only slave
for redundancy (and read-balancing) and the replication keeps breaking.
The slave will get this error:
Could not execute Delete_rows event on table roundcube.cache; Can't find
record in 'cache', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND;
the event's master log mysql-bin.000151, end_log_pos 182376
I've got a db_dnsw and db_dnsr configured in my roundcube config, could
it be that roundcube is also writing to the db_dnsr causing entries to
be removed on the slave, and then when the replication happens it fails
because it has been removed on the slave already?
I tried to look at mysql-bin.000151 for the 182376 event, but couldn't
find it.
Ideally, I wouldn't even replicate the roundcube.cache table, because
its a *lot* of data, but if I dont replicate it, I suspect the db_dnsr
would fail to find the records?
thanks for any suggestions for things to check,