Hey Marcel,

2012/3/2 Marcel Herrguth <mherrguth@mrgeneration.de>

Am 2.3.2012 04:51, schrieb rapaterres Oo.:
i'm just upgraded 7.0 to 7.1 roundcube and i can't access into
webmail, i have the error  "Session invalid or expired" when i try to

here the logs...

i don't know what's going on because all looks fine... but it isn't :(

anyone can guide me with this error?

I had similare Errors. These errors occur soemtimes, but simply seem to be a Browser Problem. (for me it was Firefox).
If you delete all cookies that Roundcube writes (especially the session cookie) and then refresh the page, a login should work fine to you.

You can also use the plugin that keeps you logged in. It may sometimes display this error as well, but if you refresh it without doing anything else, it logs you in most of the times.

Hope I could help you

thank you for your help but... 

I already read that this problem could be the browser and I deleted all cookies, and tried from another browser too... but it did not work. I even tried from another computer (and other ip), and even tried to delete the sessions in the bbdd, but I have the same error.