2013/10/30 Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net>
> As I understand you patch just makes database default storage session

besides that it is not "my" patch completly the other direction

database *is default storage* and there is *no support* for non-database
sessions and so it is completly irrelevant if your Apache is able to
save sessions in /var/lib/php5/

Thank you for suggestion Reindl, but after applying your patch I still get:
"Invalid request.  No data was saved".

Till now I tried following options, but none of them work:
Apache 2.2.22 + PHP 5.3.17 session storage: db
Apache 2.2.22 + PHP 5.3.27 session storage: db
Apache 2.2.22 + PHP 5.3.27 session storage: php
nginx 1.2.9 + PHP-FPM 5.3.27 session storage: db

Still scratching my hindhead...