hello all

I just wanted to let you know about the outcome of my RC issue, I couldn't login after an update to version 1.3.7... It seemed to login, then immediately logged out and said « /!\ Login failed ». The roundcube/logs/errors reported:

[08-Oct-2018 15:37:11 +0200]: <345va73k> DB Error: [1364] Field 'alias' doesn't have a default value (SQL Query: INSERT INTO `users` (`created`, `last_login`, `username`, `mail_host`, `language`) VALUES (now(), now(), 'username', 'www.domain.tld', 'en_US')) in /home/.sites/106/site3/web/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 543 (POST /roundcube/?_task=login&_action=login)

Someone told me, the culprit was this «alias» field in the MySQL database. Since I don't know how to manipulate mysql from the command line, I managed to access the database thru phpMyAdmin. I found out which database RC was using reading roundcube/config/config.inc.php:

// Format (compatible with PEAR MDB2): db_provider://user:password@host/database
$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://nwa_L3w0xPCrNgqS:xxPZTNPgoBYYzn3q@localhost/nwa_YFXkGrYIiVZi';

then in phpMyAdmin, I looked for table  users  and clicked  Structure . Then selected the  alias  field by clicking its checkbox and clicked on  Change  (with the pencil). Then, in the new form, set the  Default  value from standard to NULL. And saved.

Now the user could log into the new version.

Best regards

 Meaulnes Legler
 Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260 16 60