After installing the new version I of course updated the database to match. I also set up a second database based on the initial mysql file provided in the package.
In light of the other suggestions made, I cleaned the sessions table and tried again. This also had no effect.
What's really strange tho, is that I am now able to log back in as of this morning. I checked the sessions table again, and I see new entries for attempts made by others and myself since cleaning that table.
Now I don't know exactly what changed, cause as far as I'm concerned I didn't change anything at all either to the code or to the database.
What's even wierder is the fact that now someone else is unable to log in, and the symptomes are the same as I had; no entries in the log file (with logging level set to 8), nor are there any entries into the mail.log file indicating any attempt of him logging in.
All he sees as he logs in is the login page instantly resetting to the login page, with no indicator at the top of the window showing anything indicating it was either checking the information passed to it, or that it had rejected the login info.
I've tried tracing and checking everything I can sofar as I can see it. I can't find any fault or message stating a problem.
Thanks for the input so far tho.
Kind regards,
Michiel Oosterling
On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 09:10:37 +0530, kmnair  wrote:> On 6/3/07, Ronald MacDonald  wrote:>> Hi,>>>> you say you have not changed any settings - have you checked the changes in>> the MySQL tables, and amended your database accordingly? Or do what Chris>> did and clear your session data.>>>> Regards,>> Ronald.> > Hi,> > More than the session data, it may be the lack of MySql updation here.> Please make sure that you have run the sql updates in SQL folder.> > HTH> > kmn