On 4/8/19 2:42 pm, A.L.E.C wrote:
Sounds like it might be this issue https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/6744
I have already patched the \r\n instead of \R line in rcube_vcard.php and that got rid of the regex errors but that did not help restoring the actual contacts entries. Maybe I have messed around with my production setup desperately trying to get the contacts back for users that were complaining.
If I have to write off all contacts and start from scratch I'd rather risk installing rc2 and make sure I have a staging system to test updates first then push to production. I never bothered doing this for the current installation through sheer complacency because for the last few years it had been working fine... although I don't think I updated it at all. Now I really do want to chase the Elastic theme and decent contacts and calendar integration with (ideally) Nextcloud so I guess I will have to be more actively involved and pay more attention to the github repo.