Hello again, some more observations on the LDAP importing functionality:
'required_fields' => array('cn', 'givenName', 'sn', 'mail' ),
spliting heuristic)
'required_fields' => array("cn", "sn"),
for givenName required!)
without warning!)
field: ("FN:NOex@mple.com, EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET;TYPE=OTHER:ex@mple.com" works "FN:ex@mple.com, EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET;TYPE=OTHER:ex@mple.com" does not work
I would like to use the lowest common denominator for 'required_fields' (e.g. ("cn", "sn")), but it appears that with that setting, for some reason, email addresses do not get imported, although they exist and are perfectly imported with 'required_fields' => array('cn', 'sn', 'mail' ).
May I propose that the importing function
"required_fields" list
name may exist. Store both contacts (with the same name), and let the user worry about or consolidate the data, but don't just skip it while importing.
case above, FN=EMAIL or the case I outlined in an earlier email where the website URL field got dropped). PLEASE tell the user and do not hide behind "Successfully imported n contacts", because "successfully" usually means "without any problems", and not "some information may or may not have been lost during the process".
name splitting without having to add "givenName" to required_fields in order to be able to import also items with only word in FN?
Thanks for your consideration, time and patience, Achim