
thank you very much!
boris it is not working on my system (maybe for some compatibility issue); anyway the problem was definitely in that mysql column.
I simply deleted content in "preferences"  and now it is working fine.
Thank you again.

----Messaggio originale----
Da: javierdemiguel-ext@us.es
Data: 27/11/2015 11.19
A: "absolutely_free@libero.it"<absolutely_free@libero.it>, "Roundcube Users mailing list"<users@lists.roundcube.net>
Ogg: Re: [RCU] R: Issue with search in RC 1.1.3

I also had this problem.

    Check the user preferences in mysql (or your DB of choice)

mysql> use roundcubemail;
mysql> select preferences from users where username = 'USER@domain'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
preferences: a:19:{s........}

    Unserialize the data (I use boris https://github.com/borisrepl/boris):

[1] boris> $opciones = unserialize('string')

Then, look the search_mods for that user, the problem is just there.

[2] boris> unset($opciones['search_mods']);



El 27/11/15 a las 10:09, absolutely_free@libero.it escribió:

I noticed that I have no problem with search through command line (telnet to 143).
So I think dovecot is OK.
It seems that this issue is only through webmail.
Any idea?
Thank you very much

----Messaggio originale----
Da: absolutely_free@libero.it
Data: 11/11/2015 17.33
A: <users@lists.roundcube.net>
Ogg: [RCU] Issue with search in RC 1.1.3

I am using RC 1.1.3 on CentOS server.
My mail server is Dovecot.
One of my customer is complainig about an issue during searches through webmail interface.

The error he get is:

[11-Nov-2015 16:35:41 +0100]: <nn2tv074> [DB20] S: A0005 BAD Error in IMAP command UID SEARCH: Unknown argument INBOX

He has no problem in folders other than INBOX (I mean: sent, trash, and so on).

How can I solve this?
Thank you very much

Roundcube Users mailing list

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