On 2016/12/28 10:41, Vincent Van Houtte wrote:
On 2016-12-28 10:06, Emmanuel Revah wrote:
If you're using Debian, then the packages davical and libawl-php should be installed from the backports repo. It's extremely easy to follow the DAViCal installation guide and you'll be up and running in no time. Since this is not the place to discuss DAViCal, I'll send you my Apache virtualhost config privately. Combined with some DNS rules for autodiscovery, LDAP (and maybe Kerberos, which I haven't tried yet) for authentication and Let's Encrypt for SSL certificates, it's a robust platform. The only thing that is missing really is scheduling with external people, but a good calendaring client should be able to take care of this without the need for server-specific features.
Thanks. I'll have a look. I'm using MySQL for authentication, everyone (Postfix, Dovecot, Amavis and even Ejabberd) use the same DB... maybe it's time I learn LDAP (I don't really want to...).
Another person replied to me as well (off-list, and I think it's possible that the ML software doesn't "do it's thing properly" (reply-to uses the original sender and not the ML's address))
My reply to the mailing list was bounced - you received the email because you are automatically cc-ed by RoundCube.
Indeed, I think there was an issue with the list the other day, I got a few bounces with various errors, until it went through (I got some other errors, this message was originally sent last year, I'm resending...).
I might just wait out the whole *Dav thing for now (I'm writing/updating a mailserver setup/tool), though I can and will setup a platform for testing purposes.