On Mar 3, 2015 10:52 PM, "Elio Tondo" <elio@tondo.it> wrote:
> On 03/03/2015 22:44, Leonardo Arena wrote:
>> I've recently upgraded to PHP 5.6 and this problem has shown up:
>> roundcube: cdfopen: Could not open: 0 could not connect to the host
>> "myhost.mydomain.me <http://myhost.mydomain.me>": stream_socket_client():
>> unable to connect to ssl:// <> (Unknown error)
>> I've loaded the CA file into "openssl.cafile" php.ini but no workey.
>> Could anybody shed some light on the nature of the error, or at least how to
>> get more debugging info in order to fix it?
>> I'm using RC 1.0.4
> http://php.net//manual/en/migration56.openssl.php
> "While not recommended in general, it is possible to disable peer certificate verification for a request by setting the verify_peer context option to FALSE, and to disable peer name validation by setting the verify_peer_name context option to FALSE."

The setting openssl.cafile is meant to avoid disabling the check above.

In any case I found how to disable such settings for an IMAP connection, but not for a CardDAV one.


- leo