Dear Benny,


Thank you very much for your reply.. but i do not fully understand your answer ..

I would like to make the same filter options in squirrel mail in roundcube .. , but i am unable to migrate to dovecot at the moment

So can i install procmail+roundcube so i can make the filters ? is there any extra plugin to make exact function of squirrel mail filters ?

Please provide more details about your idea ...


Thanks again.

On 2012-09-02 00:02, Benny Pedersen wrote:

Den 2012-09-01 16:16, Robert JR skrev:
I am trying to install filters for my roundcube, but the problem that i am using UW-IMAPD , And roundcube comes for filter plugins but works only for dovecot and Sieve
procmail ?, horde webmail have ingo filters ui for procmail, suggest 
roundcube did the same ?
So how can i make filters options for my roundcube while using UW-IMAP and not dovecot ? Is there any ideas?
migrade to dovecot would be the best suggestion i can give here, else 
squirrelmail have filters that works on login stage, its just damm slow 
if you get more then one mail pr day

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