I agree. It's better to cooperate with the developer to make it better. it is an app. Nobody force you to install it. If you dont like it, dont install it. About the rating, it is based on user ratings. It is not necessarily shows the quality of the app although it can be used to show that it is popular.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:37 AM, Hartmut Steffin <hartmut@hsteffin.de> wrote:
On 28.10.2013 16:29, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
  On 27.10.2013 21:16, zamri wrote:

You all may want to try roundcube app on android. Just search
roundcube in Google Play.

writing hacks like this is a waste of effort for short term gain.

Perhaps we could persuade the developers (who obviously know about mobile design) to invest their time into RC itself to make it mobile aware.

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