Thanks Cor, I'll do the plugin.

2012/11/11 Cor Bosman <>

On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Jordi Llonch <> wrote:

> Hello Cor,
> It is a good proposal.
> The solution will cause more processing involved for every webmail hit.
> I think the right approach should be the file to be able to read the configuration and if a key is set, not to be overriden by plugins config.
> Any better ideas or suggestions?

I dont see it happening the way you describe.  Theoretically I suppose every plugin could check if a certain config value already exists, and if so, not reset it, but that also causes more processing.  Normally this isnt an issue, as the plugin config file should not be overwritten. That is the actual problem. Maybe write to whomever makes that rpm, and tell them to make sure the plugin config files dont get overwritten.

Like I said, right now, while waiting for the rpm to get fixed, your only option is to make your own plugin and load it last.  This could work for multiple plugins in 1 go.  I dont see another option.


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