Hi, I set up 1.2

I got server side option

I can send crypted message to gmail and chrome plugin decrypts its fine.

But when send from chrome to server it gets code and theres no option to decrypt


I got it on auto decrypt but still no go

Server side decrypt not working?

it should decrypt automaticaly?

I just get coded messageĀ 

have to use Mailvelope to decrypt it

whats I am missing ?


// Enigma Plugin options
// --------------------

// A driver to use for PGP. Default: "gnupg".
$config['enigma_pgp_driver'] = 'gnupg';

// A driver to use for S/MIME. Default: "phpssl".
$config['enigma_smime_driver'] = 'phpssl';

// Keys directory for all users. Default 'enigma/home'.
// Must be writeable by PHP process
$config['enigma_pgp_homedir'] = null;
// Enables signatures verification feature.
$config['enigma_signatures'] = true;
// Enables messages decryption feature.
$config['enigma_decryption'] = true;
// Enables messages encryption and signing feature.
$config['enigma_encryption'] = true;
// Enable signing all messages by default
$config['enigma_sign_all'] = true;
// Enable encrypting all messages by default
$config['enigma_encrypt_all'] = true;
// Default for how long to store private key passwords (in minutes).
// When set to 0 passwords will be stored for the whole session.
$config['enigma_password_time'] = 0;
// Enables server-side keys generation which would be used
// if user browser does not support web-crypto features.
// WARNING: Key generation requires true random numbers, and as such can be
// slow. If the operating system runs out of entropy, key generation will
// block until more entropy is available.
// To solve that a hardware entropy generator or
// an entropy gathering daemon may be installed (e.g. randomsound).