Is it possible to have user specific address book and one public address book?

There's this option that says if I use ldap

2009/2/13 Kees de Keizer (RC) <>
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:24:02 -0300, Eden Caldas <>

>> > It's on a VM so I'm not afraid to say passwords here.
>> >
>> > Distro is Ubuntu 8.04.2
>> > Installed slapd then I did dpkg-reconfigure and configured
>> > Set admin password to 123456
>> > backend and database are hdb
>> > suffix          "dc=teste,dc=org"
>> >
>> > I also installed phpldapadmin.
>> > I can login with the admin account
>> > I create and addressbook entry
>> >
>> > dc=teste,dc=org (2)
>> > |_cn=admin
>> > |_cn=Eden Caldas
>> >
>> > Eden Caldas is the addressbook entry.
>> >
>> > I edit and uncoment the ldap lines.
>> > I configure like this:
>> >
>> > $rcmail_config['address_book_type'] = 'ldap';
>> >
>> > $rcmail_config['ldap_public']['teste'] = array(
>> >   'name'          => '',
>> >   'hosts'         => array(''),
>> >   'port'          => 389,
>> >   'use_tls'        => false,
>> >   'user_specific' => false,
>> >   'base_dn'       => 'dc=teste,dc=org',
>> >   'bind_dn'       => 'cn=admin,dc=teste,dc=org',
>> >   'bind_pass'     => '123456',
>> >   'writable'      => true,
>> >   'LDAP_Object_Classes' => array("top", "inetOrgPerson"),
>> >   'required_fields'     => array("cn", "sn", "mail"),
>> >   'LDAP_rdn'      => 'mail',
>> >   'ldap_version'  => 3,
>> >   'search_fields' => array('mail', 'cn'),
>> >   'name_field'    => 'cn',
>> >   'email_field'   => 'mail',
>> >   'surname_field' => 'sn',
>> >   'firstname_field' => 'gn',
>> >   'sort'          => 'cn',
>> >   'scope'         => 'sub',
>> >   'filter'        => '',
>> >   'fuzzy_search'  => true);
>> >
>> > When I log into roundcube and go to the address book  get only
>> ""
>> > showing in the groups field but nothing else.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts?
>> And what happens when you search for one or more persons?
> err... it works
> So is that the normal behavior? We have no list of contacts, we have
> to search?

While testing something, I noticed that when the filter-option in the
LDAP config is filled, this search is performed when opening the
addressbook. You can use I.E.:

'filter' => 'mail=*@*', // used for basic listing (if not empty)