
I use roundcube for a mail server that I use alone, so I chose sqlite as db. The last time I got to make it run, but now this is not true anymore :(

I used the initial sqlite command:

sqlite3 -init SQL/sqlite.initial.sql config/sqlite_db

and then I get write errors for the roundcube install/index.php test:

DSN (write): OK
DB Schema: OK
DB Write: NOT OK([14] unable to open database file (SQL Query: INSERT INTO "session" ("sess_id", "created", "ip", "vars") VALUES ('6ec44d990f8e706a6a7c1b1e344e6f90', datetime('now'), '', 'foo')))
DB Time: OK

I tried to fiddle with the sqlite db file, to the point I got the "initialize db" on the install script. I click on it, and I get also an error.

Is sqlite supposed to work ? Am I doing anything wrong ?

I looked for sqlite install instructions, but all I get is http://trac.roundcube.net/browser/github/INSTALL?rev=c4a2264ae7a4f333116a558c104dbc0f98aab774

and I do as said there. I installed sqlite2, no good also. I get

DB Schema: NOT OK(Error creating database schema: [26] file is encrypted or is not a database (SQL Query: CREATE TABLE contacts (
contact_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
changed datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
del tinyint NOT NULL default '0',
name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
email text NOT NULL default '',
firstname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
surname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
vcard text NOT NULL default '',
words text NOT NULL default ''

when I use sqlite version 2 to initialize.

I use FreeBSD 10.

Is there a guide for it ?



"We will call you Cygnus,
the God of balance you shall be."