On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Neeeko <neeeko@free.fr> wrote:

Just upgraded from 0.4.2 to 0.8-rc but i cannot save, add, modify any existing
contact. Looks like my contact table structure is obsolete.

How did you upgrade? Manually or by a script?

Here it is :

column Name   |   Type
contact_id    | integer
user_id       | integer
changed       | timestamp with time zone
del           | smallint
name          | character varying(128)
email         | character varying(255)
firstname     | character varying(128)
surname       | character varying(128)
vcard         | text

Can somebody help me restructuring it ?

Check out the file SQL/mysql.update.sql - if you ugpraded manually you will have to do all the table restructuring steps - nicely described for each version.

Thanks for your help.

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