# portmaster -l | egrep "(pdo|mysql|roundc)" ===>>> mysql51-client-5.1.73_1 ===>>> php55-mysql-5.5.9 ===>>> php55-pdo-5.5.9 ===>>> php55-pdo_mysql-5.5.9 ===>>> mysql51-server-5.1.73_1 ===>>> php55-mysqli-5.5.9 ===>>> php55-pdo_sqlite-5.5.9 ===>>> roundcube-0.9.5,1
When I try to load the roundcube page, I get these in the log.
roundcube: PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS' in /usr/local/www/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db_mysql.php on line 134
Everything I can find on this error says to install pdo_mysql but I already have it installed, and mysql51 is greater than the required 4.0.8. Soooo....
(I had a similar problem in July with a different error, but that was solved with a strange session.auto_start in roundcube/.htaccess)
I can access the mysql database with the round cube user (this was an existing working install, but the server has gone through a series of software updates. I suspect it was the installation of php55 that broke roundcube).