I found the key for solve this problem. In my system, the problem has the codification. For my language (catalan - ca), the default codification are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, but, when anybody write a message, the default codification are ASCII. In the file program/localization I put this lines:
$rcube_charsets = array( 'ca' => 'utf-8', 'es' => 'utf-8' );
but, the system ignore these. For solve this, I put the next lines;
$rcube_charsets = array( 'ca' => 'UTF-8', 'es' => 'UTF-8' );
And the system works fine.
Thanks a lot.
PD: Sorry for my bad english
-----Mensaje original----- De: Thomas Gibbons [mailto:tgibbons@eymo.us] Enviado el: martes, 06 de febrero de 2007 12:11 Para: Support Asunto: Re: Problem, the webmail split the messages
I bet you'll find that right where it got cut off there is a special character, e.g. an apostrophe looking thing, a trademark symbol etc.
I have the same problem, I've emailed the list about it but it never got resolved. I'm using the current SVN release.
Support wrote:
I have a problem with the roundcube webmail (0.1 beta 2). The system split the message when the user reply it. This is an example:
Subject: Fwd: RV: IRC Catalonia - Nou contacte per a la demanada
06 ES CACI 0ECZ-Printed Electronics: Conductive ink over fabrics
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 10:55:46 +0100
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.es
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.es
Crec que t <---------------- Message splited in this point
Anybody knows the solution?
Thanks a lot