I had the problem with one user -- but that client's company is on windows 2000 and god knows how old their office is... I explained to him that just because he's not willing to learn it, doesn't mean everyone else isn't, but I'll be sure to talk it over with management that he's having this issues if he wants to voice his opinion to us more. He shutup:)

Brady J. Frey
creative director // dotfive

Jason O'Brien wrote:
Worked beautifully, thanks!

I can't wait until more versions of this software come out. It's a bit buggy and featureless at the moment, but I like where it's going.

It's funny that pretty much all my users can't figure out how to send mail. One guy demanded that I switch back to Squirrel. I had to explain to him Identities and he said "well that just doesn't make any sense."


On 3/16/06, Brady J. Frey <brady@dotfive.com> wrote:
This has been addressed by mine, and a few others, previous issues -- turn Cache off in your preferences, main.inc.php:
// enable caching of messages and mailbox data in the local database.
// this is recommended if the IMAP server does not run on the same machine
$rcmail_config['enable_caching'] = FALSE;

Brady J. Frey
creative director // dotfive

Jason O'Brien wrote:
I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I need to tweak in the config, but here's my problem:

When I login, I can't see new e-mail in the inbox unless I click over to another folder (Sent, trash, etc.) and then BACK to inbox. Only then will new e-mail show up.

Is there anything I can do to have it refresh and check when it loads up? A lot of my users are complaining, and they're not very savy when it comes to computers.

-jason alan o'brien

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"I am I am I am."