Am 21.08.2016 11:52, schrieb A.L.E.C:
> On 08/20/2016 11:08 PM, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
>> Apparently due to the commit quoted below, I (and not only me) can't send
>> mail with 1.3-git anymore. I'm seeing a huge attachment window area, but no
>> editor window area where I could enter any text.
>> Would it be possible to test at least this particular function before
>> committing? Composing and sending a message is quite an essential feature of
>> a webmail client. ;)
> Well, that's not a production branch.

But I'm using it as my production branch for a long while already, because I have to: Some things do not work (or work different) in the stable version - e.g. the identity selection when I reply to this or any other Roundcube list. The default identity is chosen in the stable version rather than the list identity. Probably because the stable version doesn't support the X-Envelope-To and/or the additional Delivered-To header which we add as the very last header upon arrival, I assume...

> Works for me in Firefox and Chrome. What browser (and version), what
> skin, what plugins?

Win10/64 Pro, FF 42.0, Classic Skin, Plugins see below:

This is what I get when I reply to your message with 1.3-git:

BTW: The second message of last night should have gone to the dev-list, but although the address was correct this time, it againt went to the users list.

Cheers, -- Michael Heydekamp Co-Admin Düsseldorf/Germany