On 18.04.2012 14:10, Andreas Dick wrote:
Am 2012-04-18 08:49, schrieb A.L.E.C:
On 18.04.2012 00:37, Achim wrote:
- Email other (might be a inetOrgPerson restriction, there is only 1
email field in my fieldmap)
There's no attribute for other email address in inetOrgPerson schema.
No, this is wrong! -> the mail attribute in inetOrgPerson is of type MULTIVALUE (like the most other attributes as well, see the schema file), this means, you can have more than one mail address just by adding another one. -> RC today is allready showing all email addresses in this case, but is not yet able to write them back (or even to create them in the case of import
I allready discussed this topic with Thomas, his proposition was to expand the fieldmap with an array size in the case of multivalue type... but this is not yet done :-)
But you still need to assign address type, which would be hard. You can't say let first address be 'home', second 'work', third 'other', etc.
We can simply fix import by extending validate() method and writing all emails into 'mail'.