Hello list,

This weekend I looked the first time into the password plugin - very great plugin! Makes Roundcube even better as it already is, congratulations to all the contributors!

If someone's interested in using Roundcube to be able to change email account's passwords managed by Confixx, here's a small how to:

1) Grant SQL permissions for Roundcube DB-user:
- SELECT in database confixx, table pop3, coloumns account and longpw
- UPDATE in database confixx, table pop3, coloumn longpw
- UPDATE in database confixx, table allgemein, coloumn newpwd

2) Activate the password plugin in Roundcube main.inc.php:
$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('password');

3) Copy plugins/password/config.inc.php.dist to plugins/password/config.inc.php
Change/Verify that driver is set to sql: $rcmail_config['password_driver'] = 'sql';
Use the following SQL query as password_query:
$rcmail_config['password_query'] = 'UPDATE confixx.pop3, confixx.allgemein SET confixx.pop3.longpw=%c, confixx.allgemein.newpwd=2 WHERE (account=%u)';

A more documented howto with explanations can be found here: http://www.claudiokuenzler.com/ithowtos/roundcube_change_password_confixx.php

Tested it with Roundcube 0.4-stable resp. SVN version r3897 and works fine.
