have you tried to tweak the php.ini on your server.
ther shoud be a line with something like this:
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
set the limit to 32 or so, depends on your server system
2007/3/18, Benjamin Jackson <bhjackson@gmail.com>:
Anyone have any ideas?
On 3/15/07, Benjamin Jackson <
bhjackson@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Got it up and it's running great, but attachments are only downloading
> to 84k and then the transfer just freezes, the rate steadily drops and
> nothing more gets downloaded.
> Attachments come through find when connecting to the mail server with
> Mail.app on OS X.
> Running on Ubuntu with Postfix/Courier/MySQL. Thanks,
> Ben