2007/1/10, Chris Jett <chris@jettfuel.net>:
I could still use a recommendation or some feedback on this issue.
Chris Jett

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Chris Jett < chris@jettfuel.net>
> Date: January 9, 2007 4:05:59 PM CST
> To: users@lists.roundcubenet
> Subject: Weird Formatting Issue
> I have a client that is seeing some weird formatting since I
> switched from SquirrelMail to RoundCube.  Here's an example:
> An email message displayed in Roundcube shows this:
> Mark,
> I will plan __removed=Arial size=2>Dee Anna
> When the actual message text is:
> Mark,
> I will plan on attending the meeting Thurs. at 7:00.
> Dee Anna
> Any ideas as to what is causing this and how to correct it?
> --
> Chris Jett
> chris@jettfuel.net

looks something like http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/ticket/1484200
