
This message has ended up in Spam 3 days ago, I thought nobody else replied. I solved my problem, I just had to wait.


On 12 November 2013 21:43, Benny Pedersen <> wrote:
Muzaffer Tolga Ozses skrev den 2013-11-12 15:59:

 I have a postfix+dovecot+mysql+roundcube setup. I recently changed
providers. At the moment, postfix can receive e-mails but either
dovecot or roundcube can't see e-mails. I did a telnet [1]
143 then a login user pass and this is what I see:

port 143 is not used to send mail, only reading

what are the logs showing for postfix ?

and if you are sending from roundcube what error do you see there ?

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