That's not a practical statement, given that around 35% of worlds pc's still run XP because they likely dont want to fund the lavish microsoft christmas parties any more than they already have and since there is a trick to keep XP updated for a few years to come (tricking it into thinking its a POS device) (point of sale, we all already know it a  piece of shit lol) there may not be the urgency to go buy a  new OS from them, especially given the tripe that is win8. most people on desktops and laptops dont want a screen that looks like a fscking tablet or phone, from what I've heard M$ now realise they screwed up but wont be till win10 its resolved.


On 11/02/2015 21:46, Egbert wrote:

Isn't it time to start using a supported browser?

Just my 2 $c
Egbert Jan, NL

Ivan Jurišić schreef op 11-2-2015 om 12:38:
Hello to all, I upgrade roundcube 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 and lost support for old internet browsers Internet explorer 8, but I find plugin "legacy_browser" with support to Internet explorer 8. On first look all work perfect, except for users witch have in Settings->Mailbox View->Show preview pane set off. Problem is when trying double click on message , message is not open. On Firefox all works ok. Ivan _______________________________________________ Roundcube Users mailing list
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