Hello everyone, excuse my english, is not so good

This is my problem

/var/mail/user1 <-- 0 mails (he downloaded via pop for example and don't receive any other mail)

/var/mail/user2 <-- 1 mail..

There are not new users

When i login on roundcube user 2 (with mail) everythings it's perfect

Login with user1 roundcube enter to the inbox, can see folder, but with no mail on the mail fail /var/mail round cube say SERVER ERROR... it's obvius that dovecot 1.2 imap return 0 mails but roundcube does not understand that 

in the /home of the users.. it's a mbox file has 0 mails roundcube say SERVER ERROR... for the same reason... 

Squirrel and horde3 understand that is no mail and put a messaga NO NEW MAIL... roundcube does not... that's my problem.. more like for users that i know they don't will understand that... any ideas?



Ricardo Ardila Vetrovec
Gerente de Redes
--> Desde prueba frontend para cervantes