Brandon R. Halsne skrev den 04-12-2012 16:06:
We currently are running Roundcube 0.1-rc2 and would like to upgrade to the newest version while keeping the user address lists and settings during this migration. I have tried following the methods listed on the Roundcube site, but have had no luck in getting moved to the newer version. Is there any information, or does anyone have information on the best way to achieve this?
i would do a mysql dump of all roundcube data, so there is backup, next step is for me to install latest roundcube, with complete new database layout, and get that working with imap/smtp servers, when this is working, delete all mysql data for that roundcube install, then the next step would be to migrade the old mysql data to the new layout, with should be simple in php, its a custom php script that are only needed ones, i have not used 0.1 here, but deppending on how many users there is it could be faster just to let users dump ther addressbooks to vcard format, and then on the new roundcube import it, rest of the settings is to much changed anyway to make it simple miggrading all users configs
but if you really need to try, there is mysql updates that can be used, hopefully this works, just make sure you backup first if it does not